Following a summer of non-stop growing, Autumn has arrived and the grass has had its last cut of the year. Now is the time for clearing the leafs fallen from the trees, using both a leaf blower and a rake. With raking up a lot of the leaves, this allows us to bag these to make compost for the many beds around the Ruthin estate.
Removing the leaves will protect the grass and will also help stop our drains from blocking. This time of year is a perfect time to start cutting back the herbaceous borders, which will leave some plants with interesting flower heads!
We are also spending quite a bit of time replenishing our wood stock, using the dead or fallen branches around the grounds, ready for our open fires in the Tafarrn bar. Autumn is one of the best times for transplanting trees and shrubs. We are moving some Rhus Sunach, or stag horn which we have within other parts of the Castle to create some lovely Autumn colours for all to enjoy. The Bergina or Elephants Ears are a very useful plant for ground cover which can hide a multitude of sins…
Now is a good time to start planting tulip bulbs in our pots for a fine display come springtime.
October brings in Halloween which is always a great time at the Castle, as the dark nights draw in keep an eye out for spooky goings on…
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